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Informations de notre partenaire Brianstoys


Newletter N° 382
par Schum

Mini Bust



Multi-Figure Pack

AFA Graded

ANH Darth Vader (Death Star Clash) AFA U80 (C85 B80 F90) #9182749
ANH Dutch Vander AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #6063324
ANH General Dodonna AFA 80 (C80 B85 F90) #9414921
ANH TIE Fighter Pilot AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #7692554
AOTC Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel) AFA U85 #09000628
AOTC Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant) (With Insert) AFA U80 (C75 B85 F90) #05611991
AOTC Anakin Skywalker (Secret Ceremony) AFA U85 (C90 B85 F90) #05219396
AOTC Battle Droid (Red) AFA 85 (C90 B85 F90) #09003047
AOTC Battle Droid (Red) AFA 85 (C90 B85 F90) #09003047
AOTC Battle Droid (With Insert) AFA 85 (C80 B85 F90) #4397932
AOTC Boba Fett (Kamino Escape) (With Insert) AFA 85 (C85 B90 F90) #3530635
AOTC C-3PO (Protocol Droid) (With Insert) AFA U80 (C80 B80 F90) #01322318
AOTC Captain Typho (With Insert) AFA 85 (C85 B80 F90) #4611567
AOTC Clone Trooper (Pilot) AFA U85 #09000681
AOTC Clone Trooper AFA 85 #04974277
AOTC Coleman Trebor AFA U85 (C85 B5 F95) #09151497
AOTC Darth Tyranus AFA 85 #09001834
AOTC Darth Vader (Bespin Duel) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #8770425
AOTC Destroyer Droid AFA U85 #09000624
AOTC Dexter Jettster (With Insert) AFA 85 #09000820
AOTC Geonosian Warrior (With Insert) AFA 80 (C80 B85 F90) #8165688
AOTC Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) (With Insert) AFA 85 #09000297
AOTC Jango Fett (Slave 1 Pilot) AFA U85 #09001739
AOTC Kit Fisto (Jedi Master) AFA U85
AOTC Luminara Unduli (Unpainted Necklace) AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #06741725
AOTC Mace Windu (Arena Confrontation) AFA U80 (C85 B80 F95) #09664302
AOTC Obi-Wan Kenobi (Acklay Battle) AFA U80 (C80 B80 F90) #05855301
AOTC Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase) (With Insert) AFA U85 #09002442
AOTC Obi-Wan Kenobi (Starfighter Pilot) AFA U90 #7105630
AOTC Orn Free Taa AFA U85 #8494922
AOTC Padme Amidala (Arena Escape) (With Insert) AFA U85 #09002444
AOTC Plo Koon (With Insert) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #6460112
AOTC R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry / R3-T7 Legs) AFA 85 #03761762
AOTC R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry) (With Insert) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #7172537
AOTC R2-D2 (Droid Factory Flight) AFA U80 (C85 B75 F90) #07217689
AOTC Shaak Ti (Jedi Master) (With Insert) AFA 80 (C80 B80 F90) #5583677
AOTC Super Battle Droid (With Insert) AFA 85 (C90 B85 F90) #2936810
AOTC Tusken Raider (Female with Child) (With Insert) AFA 85 (C90 B85 F90) #7981968
AOTC Yoda (Jedi High Council) AFA U85 #09000633
AOTC Yoda (Jedi Master) AFA U85 #09002431
AOTC Zam Wesell AFA U85 #09002427
ESB Chewbacca (Mynock Hunt) AFA U80 (C85 B80 F95) #09003072
ESB Han Solo (Hoth Rescue / Gold Card) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #5717933
ESB Han Solo (Hoth Rescue / Gold Card) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #5717933
ESB Han Solo (Hoth Rescue) AFA U80 (C85 B80 F95) #09003071
Fans' Choice Carded Captain Antilles AFA 80 (C90 B80 F90) #7614327
Fans' Choice Carded McQuarrie Stormtrooper AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #5563087
ROTJ Boba Fett (Pit Of Carkoon / Gold Card) AFA 80 (C80 B80 F90) #4543847
ROTJ Darth Vader (Throne Room) AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #9049317
ROTJ Emperor AFA 80 (C85 B80 F95) #4410504
ROTJ Ephant Mon AFA 80
ROTJ Ephant Mon AFA 85
ROTJ Han Solo (Endor Raid) AFA U85 #4278791
ROTJ Lando Calrissian (Jabba's Sail Barge) AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #3256813
ROTJ Luke Skywalker (Throne Room / Glove On Left Hand) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #9285606
ROTJ Luke Skywalker (Throne Room) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #7477407
ROTJ Tanus Spijek AFA 80 (C80 B80 F90) #6645416
TPM Carded Darth Maul (Sith Training) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #9871404

Life Size

Red Card AFA

AFA Carded

CommTech Admiral Motti AFA 85 (C85 B90 F90) #2756293
CommTech Darth Vader AFA 80 (C80 B85 F90) #07058743
CommTech Greedo (Yellow Pegs) AFA 85 (C85 B80 F90) #10751511
CommTech Greedo AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #2237968
CommTech Han Solo AFA 85 (C85 B80 F90) #6519112
CommTech Jawa (No Foot Holes) AFA 90 #09001306
CommTech Jawa AFA 80 (C85 B75 F90) #7759040
CommTech Luke Skywalker AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #5983759
CommTech Princess Leia AFA 85 (C85 B90 F90) #02389304
CommTech R2-D2 With Holographic Leia (Round Foot Pegs) AFA 85 #14406353
CommTech Stormtrooper AFA 85 (C90 B85 F90) #4627827
CommTech Wuher AFA 90 (C90 B90 F90) #02334066
Expanded Universe Clone Emperor AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #09217854
Expanded Universe Dark Trooper AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #02748222
Expanded Universe Grand Admiral Thrawn AFA 90 (C90 B90 F90) #1478229
Expanded Universe Imperial Sentinel AFA 80
Expanded Universe Imperial Sentinel AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #3316349
Expanded Universe Imperial Sentinel AFA 90
Expanded Universe Kyle Katarn AFA 85
Expanded Universe Luke Skywalker AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #04577814
Expanded Universe Mara Jade AFA 90
Expanded Universe Princess Leia AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #07543684
Expanded Universe Spacetrooper AFA 80 (C80 B85 F90) #02041585
Expanded Universe Spacetrooper AFA 90
Expanded Universe Spacetrooper AFA 90
Flashback Emperor Palpatine AFA 80 (C80 B80 F90) #4021654
Flashback Princess Leia (Ceremonial) AFA 85 (C85 B90 F90) #4347749
Flashback R2-D2 (Saber On Right) AFA 85 #09000465
Flashback Yoda AFA 85 (C85 B90 F90) #1623936
Freeze Frame Boba Fett (unpainted knife on left knee) AFA 90 #10674183
Freeze Frame Boba Fett AFA 90 #7086869
Freeze Frame Captain Piett (Baton) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #11352567
Freeze Frame Captain Piett (Baton) AFA 90 #5502294
Freeze Frame Captain Piett AFA 85 (C85 B85 F85) #09235750
Freeze Frame Death Star Trooper AFA 85 #09001310
Freeze Frame Emperor Palpatine AFA 85 #09000695
Freeze Frame Endor Rebel Soldier AFA 80 #09000777
Freeze Frame Garindan AFA 85 (C90 B80 F90) #09830366
Freeze Frame Hoth Rebel Soldier AFA 80 #08417935
Freeze Frame Ishi Tib AFA 90 (C90 B90 F90) #02748354
Freeze Frame Lando Calrissian (General) AFA 85 #09000778
Freeze Frame Luke Skywalker (Bespin) AFA 90 (C90 B90 F90) #07964435
Freeze Frame Nien Nunb AFA 85 #09000288
Freeze Frame Princess Leia Organa (Ewok Celebration Outfit) AFA 80 #09000779
Freeze Frame Rebel Fleet Trooper AFA 80 #08188240
Freeze Frame Ree-Yees AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #03447618
Freeze Frame Sandtrooper AFA 85
Freeze Frame Yak Face AFA 85 #09000696
Freeze Frame Zuckuss AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #09529412
Green Card Boba Fett AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #3698799
Green Card Boba Fett AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #7591633
Green Card Darth Vader (Retooled) AFA U80 #8003363
Green Card Han Solo (Endor Gear) AFA 80 #04620124
Green Card Lando Calrissian AFA 80 #6810666
Green Card Lando Calrissian AFA 85 (C85 B80 F90) #10415541
Green Card Leia (Boushh) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #05575700
Green Card Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial / Col. 2) AFA 85 #09001305
Green Card Ponda Baba (Collection 2 Grey Beard) AFA 80 (C80 B85 F90) #08030397
Green Card Ponda Baba (Collection 3 Grey Beard) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #16088471
Red Card Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Long Saber / Half Photo) AFA 85 #01207137
Red Card Boba Fett (Half Circles .00) AFA 85 #6703542
Red Card C-3PO AFA 80 (C80 B90 F90) #1050642
Red Card Darth Vader (Short Saber) AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #6465313
Red Card Darth Vader (Transition Tray) AFA 80 (C80 B80 F85) #09211155
Red Card Death Star Gunner AFA 85 (C80 B85 F90) #1042514
Red Card Han Solo (Carbonite) AFA 80 (C85 B80 F90) #8891827
Red Card Jawas AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #13066886
Red Card Luke Skywalker (Dagobah / Transition Tray) AFA 80 (C80 B85 F85) #03313707
Red Card Luke Skywalker (Jedi / Brown Vest) AFA 80 #8494802
Red Card Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise) AFA 85 (C85 B80 F90) #11696388
Red Card Luke Skywalker (Transition Tray) AFA 80 #05086756
Red Card Princess Leia Organa AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #7630955
Red Card R2-D2 (Square Card / Hologram) AFA 80 (C80 B85 F90) #11254913
Red Card R2-D2 AFA 80 (C80 B85 F90) #4881574
Red Card Stormtrooper (Hologram) AFA 80 (C75 B85 F85) #6370804
Red Card Tatooine Stormtrooper AFA 85
SOTE Chewbacca AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #5615896
SOTE Dash Rendar AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #5633903
SOTE Leia (Boushh) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #7046615
SOTE Luke Skywalker AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #6909578


AFA Carded

Hasbro Sign Off Label

Exemple de "Sign Off Label"

C'était une étiquette interne de chez Hasbro qui était employé pour approuver les articles avant qu'ils ne soient lancés en production finale.



POTJ Sign-Off Label Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion) AFA 85 (C85 B80 F90) #17300903
POTJ Sign-Off Label Aurra Sing AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #16217259
POTJ Sign-Off Label Battle Droid (Security) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #11574312
POTJ Sign-Off Label Fode and Beed AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #12986508
POTJ Sign-Off Label Sebulba AFA 85 (C85 B80 F90) #18003681
POTJ Loose Saesee Tiin (First Shot) AFA 90 #15207724
POTJ Sign-Off Label Mega Action Obi-Wan Kenobi AFA 85 (B85 W85 F90) #11483376
POTJ Sign-Off Label 300th Boba Fett .01 AFA 85 (B85 W85 F90) #16446719
POTJ Sign-Off Label Leia Organa (General) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #14490140
Episode I Sign-Off Label Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #12304593
Episode I Sign-Off Label Queen Amidala (Coruscant) AFA 85 (C85 B85 F90) #13982874
Episode I Sign-Off Label Queen Amidala (Coruscant) C-7/8
Episode I Sign-Off Label R2-D2 (Flat Bubble) AFA 85 (C85 B90 F90) #18862335

AFA Star Wars


Acrylic Case

Treehouse of Horrors

Last modified 28-10-2006 10:00 AM