Informations de notre partenaire Toy Palace
| Newsletter #11 du 20.2.2009 |
Hello les MIBiens,
Vous trouverez dans cette newsletter nos dernières nouveautés.
Bon week-end à tous !
IN-STOCK items sorted by manufacturer |

Shipping Options & Payment Terms |
We ship worldwide with:

We accept the following payments (also EU banktransfer):

Toy Palace GmbH
Am Queracker 8
36124 Eichenzell
Germany |
FON: +49 (0)6 659 9150090
Fax: +49 (0)6 659 9150091
Internet: |
Office Hourse: 08:00 - 18:00 C.E.T. - European VAT Nr. DE 811 757 207 - Court of registry Fulda HRB 1944 - Managing Director: Marco Russe
All shown prices include German VAT (19%). If you reside outside Germany the online shop will automatically deduct 19% VAT from above shown prices. We reserve the right to alter prices on our website at all times. Shown images might differ from final product. Check out our Legal Disclaimer. (c) 2008 Toy Palace GmbH |
Last modified
20-02-2009 11:46 PM